
Pharmacorner website represents a minor scientific initiative aiming at acquiring and assimilating latest developments in modern pharmaceutical services. This site is available in both Arabic and English Languages for the purpose of circulating information to the vast majority of site visitors.

We are three pharmacists with extensive varied experience in pharmaceutical services, and healthcare quality. Through our site, pharmacorner, we intend to make our know-how available to all visitors in order to offer them information and services whether they are pharmacists, other healthcare professionals, or casual visitors.

Pharmacorner is the outcome of a private independent effort strictly unsubsidized by any official or medical authority. We are only backed by our expertise and a genuine keenness to foster better propagation of science and knowledge. Participation of visitors in what we offer as well as their creative comments thereon will certainly contribute to the success of our mission.

Our ultimate target is to attain full capability of continuously developing our site “pharmacorner” with the intention of gathering the utmost of pharmaceutical information and knowledge to users.

May Allah Grant Us Vigour and Success.